amir r.

Senior Interaction Designer / UI/UX Designer / Since 1995


AMP Dashboard (Banking POS software)


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Project Goal

Providing a dashboard with at-a-glance data and metrics about the status of Payment POS devices and related terminals. With all the key performance metrics presented in one place, dashboard managers can more effectively measure the triple constraints of transactions, payments, and tracings timespans.

Problem / Challenge

The main concern was improving the previous UI/UX designs of the dashboard to a new one but more user-friendly with useability aspects.


To solve our concerns, I decided to start the UI/UX process based on user analysis and behaviors which have been recorded and assign all brand identity elements to the design concept.

/Sign-up Page

UI Design for the first step of user action to login to the dashboard (The same page for both general users and Managers)


Enterance Page UI

UI/UX design for the first view of the dashboard which delivers most important data analysis with chart types


List UI

UI/UX design for data list user interface design


Minimized Left Bar

UI Design for expanded vertical side menu


Role Management

UI/UX Design for assigning user roles in POS's owners


Alert Success UI

Design for displaying role management as an success alert


User Modifications

UI/UX Design in user profile modifications items


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