amir r.

Product and Interaction Designer | Since 1995


Events through my working life

The final stages of the MIB Design System’s development

At this stage specifically, we are working on finalizing the component section which contains parts such as navigation, lists, and layouts… after defining and designing of style guide and libraries.

This brand, known as one of the pioneers in the field of dental product production and sale in the country, always is pursuing to use of all the capacities and technologies in order to improve and optimize its sales and market penetration. So it is necessary to have and use a unique design system such as its brand book with the aim of creating integrity and unity in all its digital sector and assets.

Our main goals for creating the design system have been the following, and in its production, we have taken into account the maximum scalability capacity:

. Creating consistency in visuals and functions
. Reducing of wasting time in production
. Making the team united in the creation and development road
. Making brand more memorable in all places and devices

lso, based on my experience, I've tried to consider and manage the process to reach a multi-platform design system instead of a cross-platform due to all benefits which will come through this method.

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